Import Specification

  • Thread starter Thread starter box2003
  • Start date Start date


My present database seems to have lost all of the import specfications, about
20 of them, used to import .txt delimited files. My backup copy of the same
database has all its import specifications. What system object(s) do I need
to copy from my backup database to the present database that will restore the
missing import specifications, if there is a way?

I know I could just delete the present datbase and rename the backup copy
and be done with it, I would like this information for future reference.

Will exporting the table MySysIMEXspecs from my backup database to the
database that is missing the import specficiations be OK to perform without
causing other problems in the identical copy of the backup database. Or
would it be advisable to export all the MySys... tables from the backup to
the database that is missing the import specifications?

Go to File|Get External Data|
Select the check box that say Import/Export Specifications.
Answering my own post, it would appear exporting the MySysIMEXspecs takes
care of the problem. No apparent side effects are observed.