I have written this little macro.
1) Open the .QIF with text file
2) Copy and paste data into Sheet1 of workbook
3) Split text into column 1 as code column 2 as value
4) run the macro
Sub translate()
Dim String1, String2 As Variant
Dim i, n, EndofDataRow As Integer
Dim R As Object
Dim Cols As String
Dim thisRow As Integer
thisRow = 2
Cols = "A:B"
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Check", RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet2!" & Cols
Set R = Range(Cols)
EndofDataRow = Selection.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For n = 1 To R.Rows.Count
If (Cells(n, 1).Value = "") And _
n > EndofDataRow Then
Exit For
End If
Select Case Cells(n, 1).Value
Case "!"
Case ""
Case "D" 'Date
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 5) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "M" 'Memo
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 6) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "N" 'Action
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 7) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "Y" 'Stock Name
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 8) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "I" 'Price
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 9) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "Q" 'Quantity
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 10) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "O" ' Commission
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 11) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "T" 'Total cost
Sheet1.Cells(thisRow, 12) = Sheet1.Cells(n, 2)
Case "^" 'Next item
thisRow = thisRow + 1
End Select
Next n
End Sub
AIANDA wrote:
Import QIF to Excel 2007
I have Quicken 2006 and want to import that file into excel 2007. I a
running XP SP3. Thank you.
Previous Posts In This Thread:
On March 19, 2009 8:08 PM
AIANDA wrote:
Import QIF to Excel 2007
I have Quicken 2006 and want to import that file into excel 2007. I a
running XP SP3. Thank you.
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