newbie question:
We download data from a pharmacy dispencing system. Each
day's activity is archived in a commma delimited file: the
first 8 characters of the file name is unique, .pyx
extension on all files. I have created a macro that will
import *.pyx. Works great for one day's data. The users
prefer to do this process weekely or even bi-weekly.
Question: (know very LITTLE VB, rely heavily on batch
files and macros...)
How can I programatically combine these files into one
Import each in it's turn?
We download data from a pharmacy dispencing system. Each
day's activity is archived in a commma delimited file: the
first 8 characters of the file name is unique, .pyx
extension on all files. I have created a macro that will
import *.pyx. Works great for one day's data. The users
prefer to do this process weekely or even bi-weekly.
Question: (know very LITTLE VB, rely heavily on batch
files and macros...)
How can I programatically combine these files into one
Import each in it's turn?