Import .mov files

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It's an unsupported apple format. Use something to change the .mov to .avi
and then import it.
Hello there,

As I understand it, there was going to be some sort of a deal between Apple
and Microsoft, I was told that this deal would have given Microsoft more
control than Apple wanted to give and it therefore fell through. As a
result there is no participation between the two companies. There are
utilities around that will do a conversion. Check the links section of my
John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Because the MOV format belongs to Apple. The Quicktime Pro version will
allow MOV files to be saved as AVI format, and MM2 can happily import AVI