Import JPG-pictures ?!?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
  • Start date Start date



I have to import 1000 jpg-pictures into an access-database. Are there any
sample scripts available?

Many thanks in advance.

Tom said:

I have to import 1000 jpg-pictures into an access-database. Are there
any sample scripts available?

Many thanks in advance.


Answered in a different newsgroup to which you also posted this question
independently . That's called "multiposting", and it's generally
frowned on because others don't know what answers have already been
given, and so they duplicate the effort. Also it's harder for you to
keep track of the various replies, and it's harder for later readers of
the question, who may be looking for the same answer, to learn what they

In most cases a single, well-chosen newsgroup will do. If your question
really is relevant to more than one newsgroup, the approved technique is
to "crosspost" it instead, by listing multiple newsgroups in the To: or
Newsgroups: line of a single message. If you do that, the message and
any replies will appear in all the listed newsgroups automatically,
which is beneficial to all concerned.

Thank you for the answer. I placed this message in two newsgroups because I
didn't know, if this problem should be solved with a form or a vba script.

You're right that sometimes more than one group appears to be appropriate,
and Dirk suggested that you could cross-post, rather than multi-post in
those circumstances.

I see you're using Outlook Express. Click the "Newsgroups:" label to the
left of the box containing the name of the current newsgroup. That will open
a dialog that will let you add additional newsgroups to your post. Note that
it's generally consider to be A Bad Thing to cross-post to more than about 2
or 3 newsgroups.