I'm trying to Use access to load all the information of files I have on a server into one table.
SO if I have:
file "a" with create date "X1", description "Y1", tags "Z1"
file "b" with create date "X2", description "Y2", tags "Z2"
file "c" with create date "X3", description "Y3", tags "Z3"
I would like one table that has 3 rows and a column for each of these items. I've been able to somewhat create this with a module:
But i haven't figured out how to get tags, descriptions, subject, category, title, etc from each file to sit on the table. I don't really know how to finish the code, or the "calltags" for these items to appear. Any advice would help
I'm trying to Use access to load all the information of files I have on a server into one table.
SO if I have:
file "a" with create date "X1", description "Y1", tags "Z1"
file "b" with create date "X2", description "Y2", tags "Z2"
file "c" with create date "X3", description "Y3", tags "Z3"
I would like one table that has 3 rows and a column for each of these items. I've been able to somewhat create this with a module:
Option Compare Database
Sub GetFiles(strPath As String)
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strFile As String, strDate As Date, strType As String, strTags As String
'clear out existing data
CurrentDb.Execute "Delete * From tblDirectory", dbFailOnError
'open a recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDirectory", dbOpenDynaset)
'get the first filename
strFile = Dir(strPath, vbNormal)
'Loop through the balance of files
'check to see if you have a filename
If strFile = "" Then
GoTo ExitHere
End If
strDate = FileDateTime(strPath & strFile)
strTags = FileTags
'to save the full path using strPath & strFile
'save only the filename
rs!FileName = strFile
rs!FileDate = strDate
rs!Tag = strTags
'try for next filename
strFile = Dir()
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox ("Directory list is complete.")
End Sub
But i haven't figured out how to get tags, descriptions, subject, category, title, etc from each file to sit on the table. I don't really know how to finish the code, or the "calltags" for these items to appear. Any advice would help