Import Errors



I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet with 5 columns
into Access. I have the following line in my code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97, "CSIS NAT_cleanse", "c:\temp\" &
path, False

for some reason, this table is not mapping correctly.

CSIS NAT_cleanse is the table name in Access
c:\temp\... is the name of the path of the file that must
be imported

just wondering what could be my problem

thank you

craig madrin
(e-mail address removed)

Joe Fallon

I use this all the time:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8,
strTableName, strLocalDir & strLocalFileName, True

Try it with short file names, and short paths and no spaces in the table
Also try: Excel8

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