Import Error

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I am trying to use the code below to import a tab delimted file which is
downloaded from our purchasing system. The file I am trying to import has
over 6000 records. The code runs to record 4603 and then stops with the error
Subscript out of range on line:
RS1.Fields(25).Value = strArray(27) I have checked the record on the report
I am importing from and I cannot see anything different from norm. Does
anyone know why this might be happening or could you suggest a way to debug

Sub cmdImportPODetails_Click()
Dim RS1 As DAO.Recordset
'Dim RS1 As Recordset
Dim FP1 As Integer
Dim strData As String, strArray() As String

SourceFile = InputBox("PO Details", "Source file", "F:\")

Set RS1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPODetails", dbOpenTable)
FP1 = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Input As FP1

Do Until EOF(FP1)
Line Input #FP1, strData
strArray = Split(strData, vbTab)
If Not strData = "" Then 'exclude gaps in header
If Not (Mid(strData, 3, 1) = ".") Then 'exclude header lines
If Len(strArray(0)) = 0 Then 'exclude report title in line 1
If Not strArray(1) = "Purch.doc." Then 'exclude column heading
RS1.Fields(0).Value = strArray(1)
RS1.Fields(1).Value = strArray(2)
RS1.Fields(2).Value = strArray(3)
RS1.Fields(3).Value = strArray(4)
RS1.Fields(4).Value = strArray(5)
RS1.Fields(5).Value = strArray(6)
RS1.Fields(6).Value = Left(strArray(7), 2) & "/" & _
Mid(strArray(7), 4, 2) & "/" & Right(strArray(7), 4)
RS1.Fields(7).Value = Left(strArray(8), 2) & "/" & _
Mid(strArray(8), 4, 2) & "/" & Right(strArray(8), 4)
RS1.Fields(8).Value = strArray(9)
RS1.Fields(9).Value = strArray(10)
RS1.Fields(10).Value = strArray(11)
RS1.Fields(11).Value = strArray(12)
RS1.Fields(12).Value = strArray(13)
RS1.Fields(13).Value = strArray(14)
RS1.Fields(14).Value = strArray(15)
RS1.Fields(15).Value = strArray(16)
RS1.Fields(16).Value = strArray(17)
RS1.Fields(17).Value = strArray(18)
RS1.Fields(18).Value = strArray(19)
RS1.Fields(19).Value = strArray(21)
RS1.Fields(20).Value = strArray(22)
If strArray(23) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(21).Value = strArray(23)
End If
If strArray(24) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(22).Value = strArray(24)
End If
If strArray(25) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(23).Value = strArray(25)
End If
If strArray(26) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(24).Value = strArray(26)
End If
If strArray(27) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(25).Value = strArray(27)
End If

End If
End If
End If
End If
Close FP1
MsgBox ("Import complete")

End Sub
Hi Edgar,

I suspect that the line in question has one tab less that all the others,
so that it only breaks down into 26 fields and not 27. This would mean that
the array strArray doesn't have a 27th element, and hence the "Subscript
out of range" error.

To confirm this, you'll need to open this file with something that can show
the tabs - Microsoft Word with the hidden characters switched on is
probably your best best, although the word wrapping will be awkward and
make it harder to find row 4603... Excel's not much good, because you won't
be able to tell that it's missing a column, and text editors generally show
tabs as blanks. But you should be able to work it out.

To get around this problem, you could probably get the UBound of strArray
and not try to reference anything above that.