Import Error

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I am trying to use the code below to import a tab delimted file which is
downloaded from our purchasing system. The file I am trying to import has
over 6000 records. The code runs to record 4603 and then stops with the error
Subscript out of range on line:
RS1.Fields(25).Value = strArray(27) I have checked the record on the report
I am importing from and I cannot see anything different from norm. Does
anyone know why this might be happening or could you suggest a way to debug

Also I am using some if statements at the end of the recordset as the field
could be null or a zero length string and this seems to cause my code to
crash. Is this the right way of trapping this error or am i doing something


Sub cmdImportPODetails_Click()
Dim RS1 As DAO.Recordset
'Dim RS1 As Recordset
Dim FP1 As Integer
Dim strData As String, strArray() As String

SourceFile = InputBox("PO Details", "Source file", "F:\")

Set RS1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPODetails", dbOpenTable)
FP1 = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Input As FP1

Do Until EOF(FP1)
Line Input #FP1, strData
strArray = Split(strData, vbTab)
If Not strData = "" Then 'exclude gaps in header
If Not (Mid(strData, 3, 1) = ".") Then 'exclude header lines
If Len(strArray(0)) = 0 Then 'exclude report title in line 1
If Not strArray(1) = "Purch.doc." Then 'exclude column heading
RS1.Fields(0).Value = strArray(1)
RS1.Fields(1).Value = strArray(2)
RS1.Fields(2).Value = strArray(3)
RS1.Fields(3).Value = strArray(4)
RS1.Fields(4).Value = strArray(5)
RS1.Fields(5).Value = strArray(6)
RS1.Fields(6).Value = Left(strArray(7), 2) & "/" & _
Mid(strArray(7), 4, 2) & "/" & Right(strArray(7), 4)
RS1.Fields(7).Value = Left(strArray(8), 2) & "/" & _
Mid(strArray(8), 4, 2) & "/" & Right(strArray(8), 4)
RS1.Fields(8).Value = strArray(9)
RS1.Fields(9).Value = strArray(10)
RS1.Fields(10).Value = strArray(11)
RS1.Fields(11).Value = strArray(12)
RS1.Fields(12).Value = strArray(13)
RS1.Fields(13).Value = strArray(14)
RS1.Fields(14).Value = strArray(15)
RS1.Fields(15).Value = strArray(16)
RS1.Fields(16).Value = strArray(17)
RS1.Fields(17).Value = strArray(18)
RS1.Fields(18).Value = strArray(19)
RS1.Fields(19).Value = strArray(21)
RS1.Fields(20).Value = strArray(22)
If strArray(23) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(21).Value = strArray(23)
End If
If strArray(24) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(22).Value = strArray(24)
End If
If strArray(25) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(23).Value = strArray(25)
End If
If strArray(26) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(24).Value = strArray(26)
End If
If strArray(27) <> "" Then
RS1.Fields(25).Value = strArray(27)
End If

End If
End If
End If
End If
Close FP1
MsgBox ("Import complete")

End Sub
Well, you are assuming that each record is being split into at least 28 array cells.

That may not be the case and you don't test for that in your code. I would use
the ubound function to see how many "cells" are returned to the array. If you
are trying to do that with this line
If strArray(23) <> "" Then
Then you will get a failure since strArray(23) does not even exist (and
therefore you get the subscript out of range error.

I would do something like
Dim lngArraySize as Long

If Not strArray(1) = "Purch.doc." Then
lngArraySize = UBound(strArray)
If lngArraySize > 23 then
RS1.Fields(21) = strArray(23)
End If

You could probably rewrite the last section to do a loop to automatically take
care of the changes in the number "cells" in the array.

For iCount = 23 to UBound(StrArray)
RS1.Fields(ICount-2) = StrArray(iCount)
Next ICount