Import Data



I want to import data in excel worksheet. I start from Data,Import External
Data, Import Data, Select data Source-"Open",Text Import
Wizard-Step1:Delimited,Step2-Delimiters-Space,Step3-General and Finish. Then
"Import Data"-Existion worksheet (=$A$1). Before import of data appear" !
Microsoft excel "Message"-The text file contains more data than will fit on a
single warksheet .To cantinue and import as muchof the data as will fit click
OK. You can than import the rest of the data by repeating the import
operation on another worksheet and using the Text Import Wizard to exclude
data already imported."
I tried but in every worksheet are the same data.How I can import a rest of
data on another sheet or worksheets ??- IT is Not EXplained!!!! (my data has
1405 columns and 621 rows)

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