import contacts from other e-mail accounts onto Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta...

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Does anyone know how to import contacts from other e-mail accounts onto
Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta?

Just thought I'd ask because I've got a load of contacts from my AOL account
that I really would like to have on it... any suggestions?!



Does anyone know how to import contacts from other e-mail accounts onto
Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta?

Just thought I'd ask because I've got a load of contacts from my AOL
that I really would like to have on it... any suggestions?!



U could try to import them into ur Live Messenger. These contacts are shared
with WLMD.
sim.seb said:
U could try to import them into ur Live Messenger. These contacts are
shared with WLMD.
Could you please knock off the "kiddy" leet speak that may be cute in your
IM program but isn't really helpful in a newsgroup. Thanks.
Jim Pickering said:
Could you please knock off the "kiddy" leet speak that may be cute in your
IM program but isn't really helpful in a newsgroup. Thanks.

Guess ur in a bad temper?? There is nothing "kiddy" about leet speak. This
is the way of digital communication whole new generations are growing up
with (used in fora, im, mail, sms,...), wether u like it or not.

"Because of this derivation from the word "elite", calling someone or
something "leet" may be considered a compliment, although it is also used in
an ironic derogatory manner" (copyright wikipedia)

I suppose ur using it with the second connotation.
If so, could u please knock off that patronizing tone that may be accepted
by ur staff but isn't really helpfull to anyone. Thanks.
All you've proven is that asking a polite question from a jerk gets garbage
back in response. Welcome to a special file for people just like you. Have
a great time.
Jim Pickering said:
All you've proven is that asking a polite question from a jerk gets
garbage back in response. Welcome to a special file for people just like
you. Have a great time.

If anyone asks me a polite question I try to answer them equally polite. ;)
Hello Mr. sim.seb

I have to agree with Mr. Pickering. I am 18 years old and I never would express myself such a way. To me it is derogatory and very not polite. I do not participate too much in newsgroups and that is my Dad's domain but from what I have been reading in newsgroups there is almost nobody expressing themselves in that not very understandable English language.


Does anyone know how to import contacts from other e-mail accounts onto
Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta?

Just thought I'd ask because I've got a load of contacts from my AOL
that I really would like to have on it... any suggestions?!



When I installed it it picked up all my OE contacts.
Frank Saunders said:
When I installed it it picked up all my OE contacts.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Reply in newsgroup
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve neither liberty or security"

So exporting the contacts from AOL, importing them to OE and then reinstall
WLMD could work. :)
Thank you Daphne. A little refreshing sanity. I, like your father, belong to
several helpful forums and also indulge in one online game (Pool). The kiddie
talk (I have not seen it given a name before!) is totally out of hand and not
necessary. The English, when used, is itself deriorating. I have jusy this
moment left a forum when a question began - is ther noone wot can give me...
If, as a previous poster stated, this is the future, then I am happy to be a
"no longer man"