Implementing DataGrid Events



When I put a datagrid on a form in VB.NET, and then go to the code page, I
can select the datagrid in the left-hand dropdown, and see all the available
events for the datagrid in the right hand dropdown. I can then select the
event I want to implement and start coding.

However, if I do the same thing in C#, there doesn't seem to be a
correspondingly simple way to select a datagrid event and implement it. Am
I missing something?




1) Select your form.
2) Go to the form's properties window - usually bottom
righthand corner.
3) Select the 'lightning bolt' icon {aka events tab}
4) Scroll through the list of events and locate the
desired event.
5) double click on the event; Visual Studio will generate
an empty event handler method on your form class with
correct arguments.


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