Gauss !!!
I knew about remoting, but was trying to avaoid this. It is so straight
forward in Win32. I am afraid, now I have to deal with Marshalling as well.
Chris, I really appreciate your prompt reply though.
The problem is, that in .net the memory management is done by the
framework, and you have very little to do about it. So, remoting
P.S. I know you said processes, but if you just want to have different
applications to share some amount of data, and they are not UI apps,
then, take a look in appdomains. In one process, you can have different
appdomains, and every one of them can run different application. Yes,
the exchange of data between them will be done by remoting as well, but
really transparent, and using the build-in memory channels, thus
avoiding the overheat by the network channels.
P.S.2 Also, genuine channels (not free, but really inexpensive) have
shared memory channels, so you may take a look as well.