Charles Packer
On powering up my new box it beeps
(i.e. the little beeper hanging off
the motherboard) complainingly right
away, repeatedly. Scary. There's no
video either. I had assembled it to
the point where I had installed the
new hard drive, verifying that it
showed up in BIOS. The floppy drive
wasn't installed, just plugged in
(because for some reason the motherboard
needed it before even letting
me get to BIOS). This setup I had
gotten to boot an old Win 98 crash
floppy I had lying around. So I went
ahead and installed the floppy drive
and the CR-ROM reader-writer. On next
power-up the symptoms appeared. So I undid
the last two steps, but to no avail.
Something's blown. What could it be?
(i.e. the little beeper hanging off
the motherboard) complainingly right
away, repeatedly. Scary. There's no
video either. I had assembled it to
the point where I had installed the
new hard drive, verifying that it
showed up in BIOS. The floppy drive
wasn't installed, just plugged in
(because for some reason the motherboard
needed it before even letting
me get to BIOS). This setup I had
gotten to boot an old Win 98 crash
floppy I had lying around. So I went
ahead and installed the floppy drive
and the CR-ROM reader-writer. On next
power-up the symptoms appeared. So I undid
the last two steps, but to no avail.
Something's blown. What could it be?