IMAP SSL Port problem



Trying to setup Pocket Outlook to use our smtp server on
port 587 requiring both login/pass and ssl - the
certificate is one issued by us, not a "trusted
authority". I see no where to enter usenamr and password
for the smtp nor can I find a port.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

You'll probably want to ask in a pocket pc newsgroup....

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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I recently upgraded SBS 2000 to SBS 2003.

I am wanting to setup the public folders to
share contacts and a primary calendar.

I open Exchange Sys Mgr and then attempt
to access the Public Folders I receive the
following error:

The certificate chain was issued by an authority
that is not trusted.

ID no: 80090325
Exchange System Manager

I have manually removed the CA and reinstalled
to restore the root certificate and still I receive the
same error.

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, James

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