Hi guys,
I'm creating a document imaging part of the MS Access database that is
linked to MySql database via ODBC. I was hoping to have one or more tables
that will house images within MySql and then serve them back to MS Access app
per request. I'm using ActiveX from
http://www.viscomsoft.com/products/scanner/ and I'm able to control my
scanner (feeder, resolution, aspect ratio, color...etc) without any problems
including scanning multiple documents and saving them on mapped drive as one
file (PDF in my case). What I would like to do is be able to write this image
to as a OLE or BLOB to my database table. There is a part in help file that
talks about WriteBinary function, but for some reason I'm not able to get
this working. here is what help file says..
Write binary data types for storage of images embedded in the database
table. e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL.
Public Function WriteBinary(
ByVal pField as UnKnown
) as Boolean
the field of olefield.
No Return Value
Visual Basic Syntax
Scanner1.WriteBinary Recordset.Fields("pic")
This is all they say about it, I tried contacting the support but only thing
they said was; Now it only write the binary to access database, not a SQL
server database. You may see our write database sample
As you guys already know there are very few options when it comes to
controling scanners via MS Access and apart from saving, this ActiveX is
working pretty good.
I addition to image I was going to save date/time, user, link# (caseno),
once imaged I was planing to link/search these images by link# (caseno).
Thank you
I'm creating a document imaging part of the MS Access database that is
linked to MySql database via ODBC. I was hoping to have one or more tables
that will house images within MySql and then serve them back to MS Access app
per request. I'm using ActiveX from
http://www.viscomsoft.com/products/scanner/ and I'm able to control my
scanner (feeder, resolution, aspect ratio, color...etc) without any problems
including scanning multiple documents and saving them on mapped drive as one
file (PDF in my case). What I would like to do is be able to write this image
to as a OLE or BLOB to my database table. There is a part in help file that
talks about WriteBinary function, but for some reason I'm not able to get
this working. here is what help file says..
Write binary data types for storage of images embedded in the database
table. e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL.
Public Function WriteBinary(
ByVal pField as UnKnown
) as Boolean
the field of olefield.
No Return Value
Visual Basic Syntax
Scanner1.WriteBinary Recordset.Fields("pic")
This is all they say about it, I tried contacting the support but only thing
they said was; Now it only write the binary to access database, not a SQL
server database. You may see our write database sample
As you guys already know there are very few options when it comes to
controling scanners via MS Access and apart from saving, this ActiveX is
working pretty good.
I addition to image I was going to save date/time, user, link# (caseno),
once imaged I was planing to link/search these images by link# (caseno).
Thank you