Trond Hoiberg
I have a database created in Access (office xp). One query is returning a
list over products. Every product has an itemnumber, lets say one has
itemnumber 1234. I then set up the query to return itemnumer, description
and 1234.jpg. The last column is computed and does not exist.
Then i tried to create a report showing every produkt AND the picture. But
that turned out to be a complicated task. It is easy to do in ASP but not in
I have tried to solve it without having to force the users to add the image
to the database as a linked object, but i am starting to suspect that they
have to do it in order for it to work. Is there a way i can avoid this?
The image will always have the same name as the itemnumber. It will always
be a jpg file and it will always be found in a subfolder under the database.
The report is an access report
I have tried to solve it using image box, unbound object frame and bound
object fra with no success
Sorry for the repost. I have posted this question in access.dataaccess.pages
forum, but i suspect it was the wrong forum
Best regards
list over products. Every product has an itemnumber, lets say one has
itemnumber 1234. I then set up the query to return itemnumer, description
and 1234.jpg. The last column is computed and does not exist.
Then i tried to create a report showing every produkt AND the picture. But
that turned out to be a complicated task. It is easy to do in ASP but not in
I have tried to solve it without having to force the users to add the image
to the database as a linked object, but i am starting to suspect that they
have to do it in order for it to work. Is there a way i can avoid this?
The image will always have the same name as the itemnumber. It will always
be a jpg file and it will always be found in a subfolder under the database.
The report is an access report
I have tried to solve it using image box, unbound object frame and bound
object fra with no success
Sorry for the repost. I have posted this question in access.dataaccess.pages
forum, but i suspect it was the wrong forum
Best regards