I just may do that. I'm working on a entertainment room right now that will
come in at about 60-70K. I usually use the MX-850 remotes, but this guy has
deep pockets. I may not have time to learn a new technology for this one,
but we'll see.
| Rob,
| I am a Trainer for i-Command and the B&W Group...
| So... Officially: I like it ;-)
| In actuality I like it too. It is a neat product that has a lot of
| in the marketplace. I use to do sales, system design, and a little
| programming. In my experience i-Command can offer a lot of value
| for the Dollar). The GUI is really simple (I have built a basic emulator
| using PPT and it's posted on that site). My contact info is on the home
| if you'd like to know more. That's what I'm here for.
| Cheers,
| Chris
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > ot- How do you like the iCommand stuff?
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > |I have a very basic/simple resource site that uses a table like what
| > are
| > | describing:
| > |
| > | Example 1:
| > |
| > |
| > | If you take a look at that page in Example 1, I created a table with
| > | correct number of rows and colums and then merged cells together where
| > needed.
| > |
| > | Example 2:
| > |
| > |
| > | If you take a look at that page in Example 2, I created a table with
| > | correct number of rows and colums and then merged cells together where
| > needed
| > | but I also included multiple lines of text in the first column by
| > | "shift+enter".
| > |
| > | Cheers,
| > | Chris
| > |
| > | "larman" wrote:
| > |
| > | > I am trying to place a picture to the right of a list within a
| > The
| > | > picture keeps dropping below instead of next to as follows
| > | >
| > | > abc 10.50
| > | > def 10.50 PIC should be here
| > | > fff 10.50
| > | >
| > | > Keeps going here..
| >
| >
| >