Images on an Access Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy Levy
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Andy Levy


I have an access form - that should display an image based on a hyperlink
stored as a value on the form . I do not want to store the image in the
database itself as it will make the database size very large - but rather
tell it to display t he image at If i put an
http address under the picture property - it does not work.

Also - how can i get an access button to open up a webpage to a specific

Many thanks

To show an external graphic, use the Current event of the form to assign the
Picture property of an Image control. Note that this works for Form View
only (not Continuous View forms).

There is always the chance that the file is no longer present, so this
example assumes:
- the string "strFullPath" contains the fully qualified file;
- if the file is no longer present, you want to hide the image control and
in its place show a label named "lblNoImage" that has "No image" in its

-------------code starts----------------------
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim bShow As Boolean
With Me.[NameOfYourImageControlHere]
If FileExists(strFullPath) Then
bShow = True
If .Picture = strFullPath Then
'do nothing
.Picture = strFullPath
End If
End If
If .Visible <> bShow Then
.Visible = bShow
Me.lblNoImage.Visible = Not bShow
End If
End With
End Sub

Public Function FileExists(varFullPath As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Len(varFullPath) > 0& Then
FileExists = (Len(Dir$(varFullPath)) > 0&)
End If
End Function
-------------code ends----------------------

Use FollowHyperlink to open the web page. If the page contains a Name within
the page, you can use the 3rd part of the hyperlink to specifiy the name.

More info in article:
Introduction to Hyperlink fields
Thank you for your answer - it was very helpful

I have my images stored in a directory on the web - but, even having read
the website link you gave i cannot get the image to link from a directory on
the web ie.

I am looking for something that will let me call the following (for exanple)
on the below function : -

Public Function FileExists(varFullPath As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Len(varFullPath) > 0& Then
FileExists = (Len(Dir$(varFullPath)) > 0&)
End If
End Function

Allen Browne said:
To show an external graphic, use the Current event of the form to assign the
Picture property of an Image control. Note that this works for Form View
only (not Continuous View forms).

There is always the chance that the file is no longer present, so this
example assumes:
- the string "strFullPath" contains the fully qualified file;
- if the file is no longer present, you want to hide the image control and
in its place show a label named "lblNoImage" that has "No image" in its

-------------code starts----------------------
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim bShow As Boolean
With Me.[NameOfYourImageControlHere]
If FileExists(strFullPath) Then
bShow = True
If .Picture = strFullPath Then
'do nothing
.Picture = strFullPath
End If
End If
If .Visible <> bShow Then
.Visible = bShow
Me.lblNoImage.Visible = Not bShow
End If
End With
End Sub

Public Function FileExists(varFullPath As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Len(varFullPath) > 0& Then
FileExists = (Len(Dir$(varFullPath)) > 0&)
End If
End Function
-------------code ends----------------------

Use FollowHyperlink to open the web page. If the page contains a Name within
the page, you can use the 3rd part of the hyperlink to specifiy the name.

More info in article:
Introduction to Hyperlink fields

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Andy Levy said:

I have an access form - that should display an image based on a hyperlink
stored as a value on the form . I do not want to store the image in the
database itself as it will make the database size very large - but rather
tell it to display t he image at If i
http address under the picture property - it does not work.

Also - how can i get an access button to open up a webpage to a specific

Many thanks

Hi Allen,
I have never worked in this area before so I just had a quick peak at
the issue tonight. You cannot place a URL in the Picture prop of a
standard Access Image control so it's either use the Hyperlink method
you outlined or some method to download the image to your local disk and
then load that image intot he Image control.

I placed the MS INternet Transfer control on an Access Form. I added a
CommandBUtton and an Image control.

Private Sub cmdDload_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDload_Click
Dim sUrl As String
sUrl = " 4x5grey.jpg"

Dim binarydata() As Byte

binarydata() = Me.ActiveXCtl1.OpenURL(sUrl, icByteArray)

Open "C:\TEMP\image.jpg" For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , binarydata()
Close #1

Me.Image3.Picture = "C:\temp\Image.jpg"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdDload_Click

End Sub


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Thanks, Stephen.

Well, there you go, Andy. A personal response from the world's leading
expert on matters graphical in Access. :-)
Thank you so much for the info.

I have tried this method, but I get an activex licence error, stating i do
not have a licence to use the 'MS INternet Transfer' control. I am using MS
Access 2000 (MS Office Pro 2K). Microsoft offer a download to help with
this problem (i think) - but it is only available for the developer edition.

Why would access 2k offer it as a control if you cant use it ?

Many thanks again
