I got back after a six week trip and ran my SyncToy action to Contribute
photos from my laptop to my NAS; I left it running overnight and in the
morning I saw it reported 641 files not copied. through the usual Tired User
Error I closed the window rather than looking at the error log. Now when I do
preview on that action all the files are marked as new - but none of them are
selected. I don't want to click 641 checkboxes! What can i do? Can I see the
error log still? I have restarted SyncToy since the error but no change...
photos from my laptop to my NAS; I left it running overnight and in the
morning I saw it reported 641 files not copied. through the usual Tired User
Error I closed the window rather than looking at the error log. Now when I do
preview on that action all the files are marked as new - but none of them are
selected. I don't want to click 641 checkboxes! What can i do? Can I see the
error log still? I have restarted SyncToy since the error but no change...