Images Not Loading in Vista



I have a new Toshiba Satellite with Vista Home Premium & IE7. Default
settings for security and everything seems to be checked in advanced
settings. Have tried lowest security settings, disabled McAfee Antivirus, and
many jpegs on websites do not load. There is just a blank space where on
non-Vista machines it is there. Have deleted cache files. etc... When i
google "images not showing up in vista" I can all kinds of problems from
folks that have the same issue. All suggest making sure your anti-virus is
off, etc... and nothing seems to help. NOT sure what the hidden secret
non-default setting has to be to see images.

Charles W Davis

Using Vista Ultimate, I have visited the site using IE7, Avant, Opera,
Firefox, Netscape, and TheWorld browsers. I saw a lot of images, no blank
spaces in any browser. I thought it was an interesting touch to have the
images in the banner appear to be held in place with clear tape.

I am running the free AVG Anti-virus.

When I searched on the exact phrase "images not showing up in vista" on
Google, I got exactly one response here: Your post!

Charles W Davis

I also visited the site with the Apple Safari 3.0.3 for Windows Beta and
found no problems.


It is a non-default setting NOT to see images.
Restore IE7 back to its default settings.
Download the latest Macromedia Flash Player, and you will see images.

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