I have to port a Web application to a Windows application.
I've no experience of Windows apps in .NET, though I've been doing Web
apps in ASP.NET since it came out.
I have a normal System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid. I wish to display an
image in each cell alongside some text - the image would be conditional
upon the value in the cell.
How can I do this in a Windows app? In the Web app I put it in the
Grid_ItemDataBound event:
With e.Item.Cells.Item(cell)
.Font.Bold = True
err = GetRuleFailureDescription(startArbStatus, endArbStatus,
durationArbStatus, _
IIf(hours Is DBNull.Value, 0.0, hours), ruleID)
.Text = "<IMG" & _
" title=" & Chr(34) & err & Chr(34) & _
" id=" & Chr(34) & ID & "Mon" & Chr(34) & _
" runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & _
" height=" & Chr(34) & "16" & Chr(34) & _
" width=" & Chr(34) & "16" & Chr(34) & _
" src=" & Chr(34) & "../../images/incident16.gif" & Chr(34) & _
" align=" & Chr(34) & "left" & Chr(34) & _
" onclick=" & Chr(34) &
"javascript:document.getElementById('txtArb').value = 'true'" & Chr(34)
& _
">" & .Text
End With
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
I have to port a Web application to a Windows application.
I've no experience of Windows apps in .NET, though I've been doing Web
apps in ASP.NET since it came out.
I have a normal System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid. I wish to display an
image in each cell alongside some text - the image would be conditional
upon the value in the cell.
How can I do this in a Windows app? In the Web app I put it in the
Grid_ItemDataBound event:
With e.Item.Cells.Item(cell)
.Font.Bold = True
err = GetRuleFailureDescription(startArbStatus, endArbStatus,
durationArbStatus, _
IIf(hours Is DBNull.Value, 0.0, hours), ruleID)
.Text = "<IMG" & _
" title=" & Chr(34) & err & Chr(34) & _
" id=" & Chr(34) & ID & "Mon" & Chr(34) & _
" runat=" & Chr(34) & "server" & Chr(34) & _
" height=" & Chr(34) & "16" & Chr(34) & _
" width=" & Chr(34) & "16" & Chr(34) & _
" src=" & Chr(34) & "../../images/incident16.gif" & Chr(34) & _
" align=" & Chr(34) & "left" & Chr(34) & _
" onclick=" & Chr(34) &
"javascript:document.getElementById('txtArb').value = 'true'" & Chr(34)
& _
">" & .Text
End With
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.