Images and Auto shapes not staying put

  • Thread starter Thread starter sher1234
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Hi there,

I'm a first time site builder and am running into trouble with my pictures.
I insert them into a layer but they do not stay put. When I open the page
with my browser (IE) they always end up on the other side of the screen. The
rest of the page loads up without issue.

I have inserted the pictures into layers to allow me to position the
pictures better, as I feel limited with inserting a picture directly.

This also occurs when I open up the help screen in Frontpage; the rest of
the page adjusts but the picture does not! Is there any way to 'lock' the
layer into place? They are all absolutely positioned but this does not fix
the problem.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Absolutely Positioned objects ARE locked into position. Unfortunately,
objects (including tables, <divs> and anything else not positioned) are
not locked and are free to roam about as the browser is resized and text
size changed. Also, different browsers can interpret positioning in a
different way, especially if the layer is within a layer within a .....
Absolute Positioning and layers are seldom the best way to position objects
on a web page - they take no account of users preferences for text size and
browser size, and unless used correctly, they are fraught with problems as
you have found. Tables are better for positioning, CSS control of margins
and padding is best.

It is also best to avoid autoshapes. Autoshapes are positioned absolutely,
but FrontPage can get the positioning wrong, since print metrics are used
for positioning the VML graphic (as displayed in FrontPage and IE, but
pixels are used for positioning the down-level, poor quality .gif images
displayed in FireFox. Worse, the .gifs are ALWAYS positioned from the
top left of the browser window, but the VML is positioned from the nearest
containing positioned element. Fine, until the browser renders the page -
the result can be very messy in non-IE browsers.

See for reasons why VML
(autoshapes) should be avoided. Also view the pages in FireFox.