I need to display a ranking using starts. 1 to 5.
Can I create a single star image and then create, at runtime, the
ranking image for each record using 1 to 5 stars?
How can I do this?
OK so if you have your "ranking" stored somewhere as say an integer 1
to 5 then one simple way would be to have 5 asp image tags and during
page load set their visible attributes to false then do a select case
select case [Your ranking score held in a variable]
case 1
imgid1.visible = true
case 2
imgid1.visible = true
imgid2.visible = true
case 3
imgid1.visible = true
imgid2.visible = true
imgid3.visible = true
case 4
imgid1.visible = true
imgid2.visible = true
imgid3.visible = true
imgid4.visible = true
case 5
imgid1.visible = true
imgid2.visible = true
imgid3.visible = true
imgid4.visible = true
imgid5.visible = true
end select
For sure there would be more elegant ways of acheiving this but your
description of the problem was way to vague to offer anything else.
But the above would work.