Image with Index Property

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I have X and Y data points in a table, which are stored in the appropriate arrays. I want to display many "Image" objects in runtime (a small dot stored as Dot.JPEG) but Access' Image does not have "Index" property for me to index the existing object

Is there another way around displaying dots on a plot

I want the "Image" object that is available in VB6, in the Access 2002. Is it possible?
You might consider simply rendering the data array a runtime. See:
ImageClass has been replaced by the PictureBoxA97 project. A standard
Image control is wrapped within a class to allow the control to resemble
the standard Visual Basic PictureBox control. Simple drawing methods are
directly supported as is Text output with rotation. A handle to a Device
Context is exposed to allow the developer to use the full range of
Graphic API's. Also supports Screen Grabs, Copy to Clipboard and Save
Image control to a disk Bitmap file. Here is the Access 2000 version,

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

MarkB said:
I have X and Y data points in a table, which are stored in the
appropriate arrays. I want to display many "Image" objects in runtime
(a small dot stored as Dot.JPEG) but Access' Image does not have "Index"
property for me to index the existing object.
Is there another way around displaying dots on a plot?

I want the "Image" object that is available in VB6, in the Access
2002. Is it possible?
Stephen, I want to thank you for this and many help I found on your website. I have yet to use your other Class modules since I am only 2 months into the Access and VBA

The clsPictureBox does not support array. That is the Property I want. I created a test form with one Image control (Name = Dot) to test your module. Following is my code to test the property but the error message says "Compile error: Can't assign to array"

Perhaps, there is another way, but I don't want to give up

Option Compare Databas
Option Explici

Dim k As Intege
Dim i As Intege

Private Sub Form_Load(
Dim Dot() As clsPictureBo
Set Dot() = New clsPictureBo

For k = 0 To 2
Load (Dot(k)
Dot.Visible = Tru
Dot(k).Move (k Mod 6) * 400, (k \ 6) * 40

Set Dot() = Nothin
End Sub