Harry Simpson
I'm pulling an image filed via RDA Pull in a table. Trying to assign that image to a Picturebox control.
picSmallPicture.Image = .Item("PatientPicture")
Had tried the the picImagePicture.Image = New Bitmap(Ctype(.Item("PatientPicture"), Byte()))
but it doesn't like that syntax....
When RDA pulls table from SQL Server and the filed is Image what's the datatype of the firls in the new CE local table?
What conversion will work to pull the picture from the local table and assign it to the Picturebox??
picSmallPicture.Image = .Item("PatientPicture")
Had tried the the picImagePicture.Image = New Bitmap(Ctype(.Item("PatientPicture"), Byte()))
but it doesn't like that syntax....
When RDA pulls table from SQL Server and the filed is Image what's the datatype of the firls in the new CE local table?
What conversion will work to pull the picture from the local table and assign it to the Picturebox??