Image Tools for .net (like LEADtools)



Does anyone know of any 'free' .NET tools that simulate a lot of the
functionality in the old LEADtools ActiveX component? Or with .NET do we
even need these types of tools anymore? Reason for asking: We have -ONE-
ActiveX control that I will need/want to convert to .NET sometime. However,
this control uses the old LEADtools ActiveX component, and I don't really
want to continue using the ActiveX control nor have to buy another version
of LEADtools.

Maybe I don't even need these tools anymore; Does .NET have most of this
stuff in there now? Thanks.


Bill Bither

GDI+ in .NET does give you some basic imaging functionality. For
instance, the ability to load and save JPEG, TIFF, and PNG images.
You can also use unsafe code in C# to directly manipulate pixels. See
Christian Graus's series on Image Processing in GDI+ at Code Project

However there are some performance impacts using GDI+ for imaging, in
particular with drawing colormapped (1-bit or 8-bit) images as every
image is converted to 32-bit PARGB when being drawn to a device.

3rd party tools such as LEADTools and our own DotImage toolkit for
..NET provide much more functionality and better performance than
what's available in .NET out of the box for imaging. They also
provide controls for easily scrolling, zooming, and general or
advanced image display and additional functionality such as scanning,
annotating, and many image processing filters.

Bill Bither
Atalasoft, Inc.

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