Image Toolbar Location Incorrect

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I have a brand new Dell laptop with XP Media center edition. IE 6 image
toolbar from the very beginning has popped up ok but always above and to the
left of the image. When I move the mouse up to the toolbar, it dissapears
because the mouse pointer is off the image. I Have tried changing the
following key in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet

but am now getting inconsistent results, sometimes the toolbar shows in the
correct place, other times it's still off the image a lot.

Hi Jay,

Does this occur on all sites where you open an image in a new window?
It could be that the site is placing the image in a div as a background to
stop people copying or download the image and so the image view control
can't position itself properly on the image (they probably have a hidden
image under the image control to place it offset from the background image).
To test right-click on the image to see if the context menu appears and if
it has options to Copy and Save picture as.(These context menu options only
appear for 'real' images, not backgrounds)

no it's all sites.. same sites on my desktop computer work fine. This laptop
has a widescreen video resolution 1680x1050.
Right click a blank spot on the desktop and choose Properties | Settings |
Advanced. Near the top make sure it is set to 96 DPI.
Frank, thanks that worked like a charm...! EXCEPT now everything on my
widescreen laptop is soooo very tiny, and I don't have the best vision

Is there any other way to fix this or do I have to choose between a working
image toolbar and being able to see the menus and messages?

Thanks again,
Aren't there resolutions in between?

Most programs have an option to change the text size under View.
You can change the size of icon labels by right clicking a blank spot on the
desktop and choosing Properties | Appearance | Advanced.
Doesn't seem like there is.. I'm referring to basic windows dialog boxes like
common dialogs etc. Yes browser windows and many apps can control the text

However this seems to be a moot point anyways, as I just installed IE7 and
WHAM no more image toolbar.. which SUCKS... sez it's no longer supported, in
the help file :(

How can we contact MS to get it back?
Try changing the size of the Icon font. Select it in the Item box of the
desktop's Properties | Appearance | Advanced.