Image sizes incorrectly displayed


Chris Venus

I've been having a problem since getting a new laptop that when using
IE images seem to be displaying 25% larger than specified. After some
testing I determined that this is only happening in IE6. A scresnshot
of my problem can be seen here:

This shows firefox (1.5), IE6 and then IE 5.5. As you can see clearly
the one in the middle (IE6) is showing things bigger. To be precise
exactly (down to rounding errors anyway) 25% bigger, even when I am
specifying precisely how many pixels big it should be.

I have checked all the settings I can think of but nothing seems to
make it behave correctly. Today I installed IE5.5 to test and that
works fine (as demonstrated above).

Since I've found many computers that this doesn't happen on I'm
thinking that IE6 is picking up some setting from my system that is
telling it to display stuff larger. I'm thinking something like the DPI
settings in the display properties but I have that one set to normal at
the moment (at least that's what it claims).

Anybody able to help me out with this one?



P.S. Any private replies please send to (e-mail address removed)
since I don't read gmail often.

Sid Knee

Under Tools > Internet Options > Advanced, do you have "Enable Automatic
Image Resizing" checked (in the Multimedia section)?

Chris Venus

Ah. Sorted. I had already changed my DPI settings to 96 but given that
I felt sure it was connected to this I tried agian. I changed back to
120 and no change. I changed back to 96 again and this time when it
said "I've got all the files, shall I use them?" I said no to force it
to get fresh copies of the files. This time my Internet Explorer images
were back to the correct size.

I'm not quite sure what went wrong before because I checked several
times that this was set to 96. The fact that the 96->120 was 25% which
was exactly the scale factor problem I was getting seemed too much to
be coincidence. It just seems that for some reason it wasn't being
properly picked up by the system.

Is the "UseHR" registry setting that it mentions just something like
"Use High Resolution", ie it tells IE whether or not to care about the
DPI settings? Just wondering becuase I've not touched that one and
wondering whether I should or whether I should just leave it now that
its working. :)

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