image size vs 'sharpness', how to 'lock' the saved DVD or CD, etc

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Back again, just read Julies frustration, sounds familiar at this end...
I have not burned to DVD yet, have managed a VCD tho. One of these days the
DVD will happen (???)
several generalized questions-
A Does it make any sense to test 'all' my slides in my WMM for clarity vs
size? The deal is, sometimes they are excellent, other times barely soso, (I
have text slides preceding most of my old family images). sounds like a
lotta extra work....
B Assuming I finally get a working slide show (yes with WMM) or even with
Ver3 of the Slide Show program, how do I 'lock or protect' the disc from
being tampered with or changed in the future, by recipients of the disk,
either to revise history or yust fer fun?????
C I have been to your site and have seen/copied papa J's fine 'Movie Maker
2 and Making DVDs'. Couple that with, for example, the likewise fine info on
the Slide Show version by the fellow in Japan, and I have a flashback. Its
the feeling of overwhelmness of detail, nuances, permutations and
combinations that (apparently) one must know in order to get that show ready
for Prime Time. Its like when I was learning Autocad 20+ years ago. So much
so fast so confusing in spite of the logic one reads or hears.

Lars in Meechigan
(at this point I have reached the level of Komputer Klutz rather than Great
OK, quite a bit here!!!!!
See below

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

LarryINmich said:
Back again, just read Julies frustration, sounds familiar at this end...
I have not burned to DVD yet, have managed a VCD tho. One of these days
DVD will happen (???)
several generalized questions-
A Does it make any sense to test 'all' my slides in my WMM for clarity vs
size? The deal is, sometimes they are excellent, other times barely soso,
have text slides preceding most of my old family images). sounds like a
lotta extra work....

Check out Dean Rowe's excellent piece on Stills in Movie Maker. It will
either mean lots of work if you've already got them in or at least benefits
when moving forward on new projects.
B Assuming I finally get a working slide show (yes with WMM) or even with
Ver3 of the Slide Show program, how do I 'lock or protect' the disc from
being tampered with or changed in the future, by recipients of the disk,
either to revise history or yust fer fun?????

Do you mean the vcd/svcd or dvd disc you send them?
If so, they won't be able to do anything with it, unless they copy it to
their computer adn tehn make changes to it on their pc, then save a new
vcd/svcd/dvd. Yours will stay intact.
C I have been to your site and have seen/copied papa J's fine 'Movie
2 and Making DVDs'. Couple that with, for example, the likewise fine info
the Slide Show version by the fellow in Japan, and I have a flashback.
the feeling of overwhelmness of detail, nuances, permutations and
combinations that (apparently) one must know in order to get that show
for Prime Time. Its like when I was learning Autocad 20+ years ago. So
so fast so confusing in spite of the logic one reads or hears.

Yes there is lots to learn, try taking it slowly, one step at a time and
it'll gradually all come together :)
My point is in all this, if the mfg of commercial movie etc videos can
Protect theircreation, why cant I???? What I dont want to ultimately happen
is 'someone' messing up the family history sequences, info, etc. So is/are
there standalone programs that WILL protect my playable DVD, allowing it to
play but not do changes???