Image quality is poor



I have a new computer that is using Internet Explorer 6.0 and many of the
images on the web pages are poor quality (e.g. the Microsoft Windows image in
the upper left corner of the webpage for this discussion group). They are
fuzzy, seem to have a shadow, and jagged instead of smooth lines. How do I
improve this?



I'm not sure if this will directly help your problem (it may be due to
hardware errors), however, consider the following:

Close all internet Explorer sessions.
Spawn a single session and,
Click on Tools, Internet Options.
Click on the Advanced Tab.
Scroll down to 'Multimedia',
and UNCHECK the following:

'Enable Automatic Image Resizing'
'Smart Image Dithering'

Click on OK.

Does this help the problem?

If you have any other questions or comments, please reply to this thread,

Best regards,

: I have a new computer that is using Internet Explorer 6.0 and many of the
: images on the web pages are poor quality (e.g. the Microsoft Windows image in
: the upper left corner of the webpage for this discussion group). They are
: fuzzy, seem to have a shadow, and jagged instead of smooth lines. How do I
: improve this?



Have you tried updating your video drivers?


: Thanks for the advice, but this didn't change anything I could see.
: "Altrüs" wrote:
: > Hi,
: >
: > I'm not sure if this will directly help your problem (it may be due to
: > hardware errors), however, consider the following:
: >
: > Close all internet Explorer sessions.
: > Spawn a single session and,
: > Click on Tools, Internet Options.
: > Click on the Advanced Tab.
: > Scroll down to 'Multimedia',
: > and UNCHECK the following:
: >
: > 'Enable Automatic Image Resizing'
: > 'Smart Image Dithering'
: >
: > Click on OK.
: >
: > Does this help the problem?
: >
: > If you have any other questions or comments, please reply to this thread,
: >
: > Best regards,
: > Altrus
: >
: >
: >
: > : > : I have a new computer that is using Internet Explorer 6.0 and many of the
: > : images on the web pages are poor quality (e.g. the Microsoft Windows image
: > : the upper left corner of the webpage for this discussion group). They are
: > : fuzzy, seem to have a shadow, and jagged instead of smooth lines. How do I
: > : improve this?
: >
: >
: >


I have the same problem..I went so far as to replace my
video card..Did not help..Sure need an answer to this one

Don Varnau

See my answer to Bruce307. It may also help with your problem.


"bobbyjak" <anonymous[at]> wrote in message
I have the same problem..I went so far as to replace my
video card..Did not help..Sure need an answer to this one
"Bruce307" <Bruce307[at]> wrote in message
news:84D5F496-5AB5-4D77-AED5- (e-mail address removed)...
: I have a new computer that is using Internet Explorer 6.0 and many of the
: images on the web pages are poor quality (e.g. the Microsoft Windows image in
: the upper left corner of the webpage for this discussion group). They are
: fuzzy, seem to have a shadow, and jagged instead of smooth lines. How do I
: improve this?

Don Varnau

Is your ISP compressing images to reduce download time? Earthlink, AOL,
Netzero (and some others) offer this feature. You should be able to disable
this feature. Check the "Help" page of your ISP.

Other possibilities:
820286 - PRB Windows XP Does Not Natively Support High-DPI Screens
Same problem- good discussion of the problem.

828682 - JPEG images appear distorted in Internet Explorer 6

Hope this helps,

Jan Il

Hi Bruce :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

I can't see JPG's or GIFS any more - red x - images missing - fuzzy
images/distorted images
or .

Images and Pictures Problems


If you have Zone Alarm, Uncheck "remove private headers" for all


Try clearing the IE cache. I.E./Tools/Options/General/Delete files (and
delete offline content.)

Hope this helps

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:


Done all of the recommended suggestions..Still no joy..Current PC is running
XP Pro with SP2 and all current updates..
I have another PC (work) that is running Win 2K with all updates & the
problem does not exist on it..I share the same
keybaord/mouse/monitor between them..

Any other suggestions/solutions..Would like to see this resolved..

Thanks, Bobbyjak

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE

The only other thing I can think of is to check for new video drivers.

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