When saving an image, the source file randomly changes. Example:
"src=applicationpage12_files/image21.gif" changes to
"src=applicationpage13_files/image21.gif". Should be noted that there are 30
images in the folder and it only occurs on two of them. We've tried to
manually change the folder name in the code and save. When that happens, all
other 28 images change the src??? Any ideas would be helpful (This is a
form connected to a Java DB.)
"src=applicationpage12_files/image21.gif" changes to
"src=applicationpage13_files/image21.gif". Should be noted that there are 30
images in the folder and it only occurs on two of them. We've tried to
manually change the folder name in the code and save. When that happens, all
other 28 images change the src??? Any ideas would be helpful (This is a
form connected to a Java DB.)