Anyone know of a good/reliable program that can do a sector-by-
sector image;restore of HD partitions under windows 7 and XP
resize/create partitions and yet does not modify the MBR nor
begining sectors of the hard drive? Acronis does modify the MBR,
so does Bootitng. This presents a problem if these programs are
buggy and make errors as you cannot recover the HD to it's
original state. Earlier versions of Ghost did not I think?
sector image;restore of HD partitions under windows 7 and XP
resize/create partitions and yet does not modify the MBR nor
begining sectors of the hard drive? Acronis does modify the MBR,
so does Bootitng. This presents a problem if these programs are
buggy and make errors as you cannot recover the HD to it's
original state. Earlier versions of Ghost did not I think?