Image for file

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i got a table with the fields "Clock Number","Person Name" and "Person
Picture", where "Person Picture" keeps a string with the adreess of the
Clock Number: 235
Person Name: Rui
Person Picture: \\persons pictures\ruipcture.bmp

the question is simple:
how can i do a frame that shows me the picture in a form, with the value
keeped on "Person Picture".
i try a unbound object, but cant work it out...

thank u
Use an Image control. You'll have to assign an image to it at first,
otherwise it will disappear from your form design. Once it's on the form,
you can delete the Picture property (the path to the picture file). Then,
in the form's OnCurrent event (and in the code where you assign the picture
path if you want to see it once it's added), paste this code:

Me.YourImageControlName.Picture = Me![Person Picture]