Looking please for freeware to process/enhance edges for images (edge blur,
other edge effects, cutouts, templates, etc) - for scrapbooks and
I have several image processing programs (including PaintShop PRO) which do
a zillion generic effects - but none "automate" processing of edge effects
nor have templates.
Looking for freeware which has templates and specfic edge effect tools -
similar in functionality to AutoFX Photo Graphic Edges and Extensis
PhotoFrame plug-in for Photoshop.
Thanks in advance for any help !
other edge effects, cutouts, templates, etc) - for scrapbooks and
I have several image processing programs (including PaintShop PRO) which do
a zillion generic effects - but none "automate" processing of edge effects
nor have templates.
Looking for freeware which has templates and specfic edge effect tools -
similar in functionality to AutoFX Photo Graphic Edges and Extensis
PhotoFrame plug-in for Photoshop.
Thanks in advance for any help !