Image burn to CD with Windows Media Player

Aug 8, 2005
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I've done this before, but it's been a while. I THOUGHT it was simple (and it probably is/was, but sometimes I go braindead). Can someone PLEASE tell me how to burn image(s) to CD with M Player???? Thanks in advance.
Hi Boburst, :wave: (before you read on, this works for me using XP-Pro, but I don't know if it's the same for other operating systems.) I've not tried using M Player for burning images, but I take oodles of digital pics and whenever I want to make a photo disc, I just right-click on either a folder of pics, (or individual ones) then select "Send To" and select "DVD/CD-RW (drive D:)" from the menu. You will see a balloon in the information area telling you that you have files waiting to be written to the CD, click on it and a window will appear showing you your selection. You can make deletions or add more photos to this window as necessary. On the left of the window, you will see options listed under "CD Writing Tasks" so when you are done, just click "Write these files to CD."

I expect the experts here will soon put us right if there is a picture burning option on Media Player - which I'd find interesting too, 'cos it's always good to know these things. :D Good luck Bob