Access XP 2003 - I am moving our school student reports to Access. one of the
reports that we need to do are called Year2net. Unfortunately they use an
image instead of a grade on the printout. I need to setup an image to change
on the report based on a Ture/False control. eg. the user opens a form to
answer a series of Yes/No or True/False questions. when the user prints out a
report, if the answer to question one is 'Yes' then image1 is used on the
report next to the question, if the answer to question one is 'No' then
image2 is used on the report next to the question and so on. I am using
images because conditional formating does not allow for a diagonal line to
be drawn inside a square box, the
reports that we need to do are called Year2net. Unfortunately they use an
image instead of a grade on the printout. I need to setup an image to change
on the report based on a Ture/False control. eg. the user opens a form to
answer a series of Yes/No or True/False questions. when the user prints out a
report, if the answer to question one is 'Yes' then image1 is used on the
report next to the question, if the answer to question one is 'No' then
image2 is used on the report next to the question and so on. I am using
images because conditional formating does not allow for a diagonal line to
be drawn inside a square box, the