I'am trying to create a field from a field I already have in a table. The
field I have is called Date and has the type dbDate and when you look at the
field in designview it has the property Format put to "short date".
But when I'm using the code below and looks at the new field called Date1 in
designview it doesn't have anything put in the property Format. I hope the
property is called the same in the english version. I'm using Access 97 in
Dim tblDef As DAO.TableDef
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim prp As DAO.Property
Dim i As Integer
Dim f, f1 As Field
Set DB = OpenDatabase(CurrentDb.Name)
Set tblDef = DB.TableDefs("Table")
set f=tbldef.Fields("Date")
with f
Set f1 = tblDef.CreateField("Date1", f.Type, f.Size)
f1.Attributes = f.Attributes
i = 0
For Each prp In f.Properties
On Error Resume Next
If prp.Name <> "Name" And prp.Name <> "Type" And
prp.Name <> "Attributes" And prp.Name <> "Size" Then
f1.Properties(i) = prp.Value
End If
On Error GoTo 0
i = i + 1
tblDef.Fields.Append f1
end with
I'am trying to create a field from a field I already have in a table. The
field I have is called Date and has the type dbDate and when you look at the
field in designview it has the property Format put to "short date".
But when I'm using the code below and looks at the new field called Date1 in
designview it doesn't have anything put in the property Format. I hope the
property is called the same in the english version. I'm using Access 97 in
Dim tblDef As DAO.TableDef
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim prp As DAO.Property
Dim i As Integer
Dim f, f1 As Field
Set DB = OpenDatabase(CurrentDb.Name)
Set tblDef = DB.TableDefs("Table")
set f=tbldef.Fields("Date")
with f
Set f1 = tblDef.CreateField("Date1", f.Type, f.Size)
f1.Attributes = f.Attributes
i = 0
For Each prp In f.Properties
On Error Resume Next
If prp.Name <> "Name" And prp.Name <> "Type" And
prp.Name <> "Attributes" And prp.Name <> "Size" Then
f1.Properties(i) = prp.Value
End If
On Error GoTo 0
i = i + 1
tblDef.Fields.Append f1
end with