I'm thinking I need a Midol!


Good God People!

Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised but dang, the level of
ignorance in this newsgroup is frightening! Anti-spyware
did this to my OS... Anti-spyware did that! I mean it's ok
to be a newbie but do any of you really know the true
nature of some of these malware infestations you are
removing?!! Do you?!!

I want to friggin' choke half the participants in here for
gloggin' up the group with mindless drivel. How Microsoft
can sift through this garbage is beyond me!

Then again, the vast majority of PC users are clueless,
click happy, neophytes who don't know how to properly
maintain Windows or keep up-to-date on the latest security
trends or threats. More than anyone, Microsoft knows what
a friggin' miracle Windows is given its eclectic collection
of under riding code. Add to that all the millions upon
millions of hardware permutations in varying states of
operational failure it needs to function on. Please, how
many things might already be going wrong and now you start
poking around with a tool you know nothing about?!!!

Yep, it's all Anti-spyware's fault! Get your torch and
pitchfork! I'm headed to Redmond! Whatever! Shut up and
read up already!

R. McCarty

Microsoft's main fault is that over time they've always opted for
Ease of use, instead of Security. Now the pendulum is swinging
the other way. Spyware is so pervasive now that I almost never
work on a system that isn't covered up with it.
No Firewall or Nag screen is ever going to stop the P2P'ers &
all the other Freebie downloads that so many people are addicted
to. Web Security is like "Whack-A-Mole", just as soon as you
plug up one hole another one pops up.
If users would just understand the importance of backups & an
occasional System Image then all this carping about loss of this
or that wouldn't appear so often.
As a Tech professional, it's the hardest thing in the world to tell
a customer that all their mail, documents or pictures are gone and
can't be recovered.


Well said! Some people love to bash Microsoft products,
but they are darn near idiot proof, no small feat. They
obviously have a tough job ahead of them on this project.

Ron Chamberlin

Hi Joyce,
We won't get into pointing fingers or fault, but I am happy at the eventual
prospect of having a single tool to take care of the junk that's floating
around out there.
I think it will be an interesting ride as more and more people are being
adversely affected by these near critters.

Ron Chamberlin


I think it is really sad, when people like you slam those that are not
educated on spyware and the like. I am sure when you first started using a
computer, software, etc, you asked NO questions, you were so damn smart,
that you picked it up right away. With comments like this, you should be
removed from this group. Not all people are alike, try to keep that in mind.
So instead of bitching about others 'ignorance' ...............how about
helping them. And if we chap your ass that much, then you need to join the
Mensa club and leave this board.
Some people do read and simply do not understand. The purpose of newsgroups
are for?



I don't think they would necessarily disagree with you. I'm pretty sure
they are targeting those who DON'T ask questions, who make wild and often
angry assumptions about what is to blame if their system acts differently
after malware removal.

I have learned a great deal in here by reading other's questions so post


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