I'm stumped about a formula



My husband has a propane business and wants me to make a budget plan fo
his customers. I'm new at working with Excel and have tried everythin
I know to do. What I want is for it to add the figures then make a
estimate about what it would be for a monthly avarage for them to pay
a budget). Can anyone help me with the formula I need t
use??:confused: :confused: :confused

Attachment filename: budget sheet.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=52750


If it's just an average you want, type =AVERAGE(B2:Y2) in cell Z2 an
copy the formula down the list to row 11.

The average formula ignores blank entries, so everything from April o
will not be factored in until data is entered.


spazpup02, I'm looking at your attachment. If you want to average Columns B
to Y, then enter the formula (in Cell Z2) =AVERAGE(B2:Y2). Then copy the
formula down to Z11. Be sure you don't enter any zeros in any of the empty
columns, because that will skew the average.

When you have time, look up "average worksheet function" in Excel help.

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