I know there could quite possibly be a or several threads about this not
so cheery subject but I'm new..*waves Hi*...and I don't know what else
to do other than post and hope my question gets answered. I've been
trying to do this myself and so far no luck.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Hours
Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End
9:00 5:00 9:00 5:00 etc.. etc.. boss wants "hours
worked" under Hours...go figure
I use Excel on my boss' laptop and he wants to be able to see how many
hours are going into one employee. That's it. I thought it was gonna
be easy for me...it probably is but I might be missing something. I've
formatted my cells to the Time "function" 13:30..tried 1:30pm but the
values couldn't be figured cuz of the pm aspect. Can I still use
1:30pm Time function to get the figures i would like to see? If not can
I convert "army time" to real time cuz it's gonna confuse the hell out
of some employees. I've never used Excel to this degree before. Any
help would be GREATLY appreciated cuz I'm lost. To sum up...I want to
add the shifts for the week together and when I look at the Hours column
I see 40 or 42 or 38 for the week..not VALUE or ######. I normally
don't use Excel for any purpose really but my boss has given me reason.
If there's confusion..please say so and I'll try to clear it up as best
as I can.
so cheery subject but I'm new..*waves Hi*...and I don't know what else
to do other than post and hope my question gets answered. I've been
trying to do this myself and so far no luck.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Hours
Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End
9:00 5:00 9:00 5:00 etc.. etc.. boss wants "hours
worked" under Hours...go figure
I use Excel on my boss' laptop and he wants to be able to see how many
hours are going into one employee. That's it. I thought it was gonna
be easy for me...it probably is but I might be missing something. I've
formatted my cells to the Time "function" 13:30..tried 1:30pm but the
values couldn't be figured cuz of the pm aspect. Can I still use
1:30pm Time function to get the figures i would like to see? If not can
I convert "army time" to real time cuz it's gonna confuse the hell out
of some employees. I've never used Excel to this degree before. Any
help would be GREATLY appreciated cuz I'm lost. To sum up...I want to
add the shifts for the week together and when I look at the Hours column
I see 40 or 42 or 38 for the week..not VALUE or ######. I normally
don't use Excel for any purpose really but my boss has given me reason.
If there's confusion..please say so and I'll try to clear it up as best
as I can.