I'm leaving on a jet plane

Jan 14, 2006
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Dont know when i will be back again!

But seriously we are moving over to Sky BB either tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday so not sure when it will happen, but i will be AWOL for a day or so. And just thought i would let you all know cos i'm sure you will miss me!!(i hope)
You might find you're only offline for an hour or two, sometimes a migration can be quite quick :)

Hopefully the site will be in one piece when you return ;)
I had 0 downtime on my last migration, i disconnected from Nildram and then connected to Entanet in less than 5 minutes. :D
Your really going shopping for presents for all us guys and galls, come on fess up .

lol, no reply. Am guessing all is not well. :p
welcome to the mighty sky. Hopefully you will enjoy your stay.
I am livid with their price changes due to come in effect in March!
Well i'm back, just!

Long story seems we had a few technical problems on setting up etc.
Spoke to a man from Sky in India & then to a very nice man from Sky in Scotland!
Who took me through the set up route again, soughted out a few errors from India and got me on-line after a day without the internet! Speed should be 8MB, but getting about 4MB at the moment, so im now connected.:D

Did anyone miss me apart from Murdoch!