Before I start relating my experiences for all you find folks out there in
internet land, I'd like to share an interesting cultural note --- the lunch
truck at the Lexmark India Tech Support Central doesn't serve burritos or
BLT's like they do here in California! Might be an opportunity for some
enterprising Lexmark tech support specialist. Just a suggestion.
First some phone numbers of their international headquarters.... (The
1-800-INDIA number is on the "sheet of paper" that came with the printer. I
will NOT give it out since there is no one there who helped me resolve my
tech support issues.) The following numbers must be top secret, since they
not give them to me on the phone and are not on ANY of their product
literature. So.... I got them from the phone book...
Lexmark International
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, KY 40511
Main Numbers
(407) 563-4900
(859) 232-2000
Technical Support Center
(859) 232-3000
Employment Information
(859) 232-3263
Employment Information-Tdd
(859) 232-3273
Here now my long and boring tale of woe....
This started as a problem resolution-fest, trying to get my X73 to work
consistently. I prints fine -- for awhile, and as long as I remember to
unplug/plug in the USB cable at the right time every time I power up. But
now, it is completely down, plus interfering with Word and other program.
Finally I was able to completely uninstall the printer and get all my REAL
programs back up and working again.
As soon as I can get it re-re-re-reinstalled, get one last page that's
holding up a project printed (or 4 hours, whichever is first), I'm going to
rip this fine piece of technology out of here, pack it up and drop kick it
back into the store. Too late for money back, but store credit --
ANYTHING -- will be an improvement!!!
And now... before I give all the other benefits of my experience...
It's time for a motivational-style quotation ....
"The Lexmark X73 is like your neighbor's cute wife that keeps winking at you
through the fence.... at first you think, "Hmmmmm! Looking good!!", but in
Last straw.... after weeks of wrestling with this printer -- sometimes
printing great, others crashing.... Last night I had a problem getting Word
to start!!! I swear I have not installed anything or horsed around with
files, etc.... I'm right in the middle of an important project and never
mess with this stuff at that kind of critical time.
Anyways, turned out the problem was, once again, ... the LEXMARK SOFTWARE!
(What a surprise!!)
For the benefit of others who may have this interaction trouble with
For others, skip ahead to the heading "JUMP POINT"...
I uninstalled my Lexmark X73 printer and USB card. Then reinstalled USB and
checked it out. Did not do anything else and now Word starts normally.
About uninstalling the X73, you have to use their uninstall program which is
not supplied with the printer. I forgot how I got it -- probably from the
website or email from their worthless, condescending, hard-to-understand
(but friendly

Indian tech support. Anyway, you have to use that program
Then, I used the FIND feature to locate all the LEX.... files and removed
them manually.
Note: Be sure to ONLY remove those LEX.. files associated with this
printer! Use your common sense here... a file like
removed. LEMARKX73.XXX is an example of a file that you might can remove.
But if you have a doubt about a file, just leave it alone. I'm just a nut
about removing all traces of software that doesn't work.
Then, I rebooted. Hitting the Contr-Alt-Delete showed yet another fine
Lexmark program still puffing away. I'll hand it to them....once their
software is installed, right or wrong, man, it's INSTALLED!! I located THAT
one, removed it and the rebooted again. Everything worked fine after that.
Conclusion.... LEXMARK!! Or at least this series. I am seeing many others
with compatibility issues. Mine is Win98SE, but it looks like others are
having trouble with XP, etc.
This printer is definitely not one for the general non-specialist like me
who has other things to spend his time on. Either the printer or (probably)
the software has problems. Nothing but communications troubles and their
tech support is all in India -- hard to hear, hard to understand,
condescending, transmission delays, etc..... Other than that, it's GREAT!!
I can live with the cultural diversity, but these guys give you a "case
number" to make it sound like when you call back they will review the past
info and start with something new. WRONG. That's not how it works. They
all start at square one.... plug it in, turn it on, etc.... Plus they do it
slower and slower each time you call back...
After 2 weeks of daily calls, I finally requested that a supervisor to call
me back -- days later. He seemed knowledgable but told me the problem was
either with the USB card/driver or my BIOS, and not the Lexmark. (By the
way, he wouldn't give me any phone numbers at their Kentucky plant, or
anywhere outside of India.... Kind of a "India First" fellow I guess.)
Anyway, I thought... what the heck. This guy is a SUPERvisor!! I'm in
luck! So I contacted the USB card maker and the card and drivers were fine.
It works OK with other devices. Also, the BIOS is fine. (I guess he was a
"supervisor" in name only -- or just another flunky who happened along.)
As you can tell, I'm one of those knuckleheads who will not give up trying
to get something to work. This printer gives excellent black & white and
color results, so I'm sure the problem is with the software. Could be my
computer - not arguing with that, but I'm not going to start in on something
that's working...
Anyway, really not slamming Lexmark - just giving my "real world" results
with Lexmark for the benefit of future suckers who DON'T HAVE SENSE ENOUGH