I have a spreadsheet to work out Auto Mileage used for both work and personal miles. In the total column (J), I have the formula: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(G6),ISBLANK(H6)),â€â€,J5+G6+H6) to add the previous total in J5 to the personal miles in G6 to the business miles in H6. However, I think this is creating a problem because I have the following formula in G6 & H6 (the personal and business miles columns): =IF(ISBLANK(B5),â€â€,IF(B6=â€xâ€,F5-E5)) to enter a total from E5 minus F6 (the miles from the beginning of the trip minus the miles at the end of the trip). The problem is that I am getting the #VALUE! error in the total (J) column. Is this because I have the IF formula in the columns the total column is referring. And if so how can I fix it?