I have a form that has a lstbox control on it and a subForm on it that is set
up to look like a data sheet. In the subForm I have a field, bound to a
table, that has the default property set to =CurrentUser(). In that same
record is the field fldRNnotes.
When the list box is doubled clicked it requeries the sForms record source,
thereby adding a record to the form. The problem is is that when the field in
the form is populated with a canned nursing note, the CurrentUser is not
added to the record.
If I enter in a note myself (by typing in the field of a new record) then
the form is properly updated with the CurrentUser id.
So this baffles me. Why does it work properly when a note is hand entered
and not when a canned note is entered via the listbox?
I really need this to work so your help will be very much appreciated.
up to look like a data sheet. In the subForm I have a field, bound to a
table, that has the default property set to =CurrentUser(). In that same
record is the field fldRNnotes.
When the list box is doubled clicked it requeries the sForms record source,
thereby adding a record to the form. The problem is is that when the field in
the form is populated with a canned nursing note, the CurrentUser is not
added to the record.
If I enter in a note myself (by typing in the field of a new record) then
the form is properly updated with the CurrentUser id.
So this baffles me. Why does it work properly when a note is hand entered
and not when a canned note is entered via the listbox?
I really need this to work so your help will be very much appreciated.