I'm back !


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I'm back, you better look as though you're doing something!

I moved flats, I now live in #1, not #6, no more stairs to die on. (there are 32 steps & 3 landings to #6)

My brother brought "The Boys" over and they move all my stuff downstairs in one & half days. I got rid of a lot of accumulated stuff. ;)

I informed BT & setup the transfer. The day came, and, went. I phoned and found out that they, BT, or someone there, had cancelled the new install ... so I cancelled everything else. They still keep phoning me asking to speak to the 'account holder', I keep telling them there isn't one :p

So, I went to Sky. Took the obligatory 3 weeks to set the initial installation. :rolleyes: ... took them, err, I mean OpenReach, a few days to 'fix' the line error.

Anyway, I'M BACK!! :cheers:
Welcome back @muckshifter! Good to hear about your move, it sounds like your new flat will be ideal without all those stairs to negotiate. Hope you're settling-in and feeling comfortable in your new abode. :D
BT ...


Sky ...


I prefer Sky as I do Stream on Twitch, so the upload is better for me. Sky should "settle down" over a few days.

I did have an 'engineer' out on Monday for the final fix. :cheers:
That's the speed I usually have, you have better upload though, I think I'm at 3 or something. I was hoping you had 150 down and 35 up but we can only dream can't we :drool:
I am with Verizon DSL about an hour north of Lake Placid, NY, USA and about an hour and a half south of Montreal, Canada. Although I live less than a mile from the Verizon substation, that is all is offered here. I could get cable or satellite and get up to 100 Mbps, but it is more expensive than it's worth to me.
Nice, is that about what you're expecting?
Nice, is that about what you're expecting?
yep, didn't think It would be any different from BT as Sky use BT's 'stuff', apart from the modem, but I am very pleased with the upload speed.

I don't expect the speeds to change or stray from the above.

I can consistently Twitch stream @ 1080p x 60
