OK, first I thought that IM address field is not functional at all in BCM for
Outlook, but after some research here
where b.schmidt gave me a tip, I think there's a bug which appears as "IM
address field not saved". That is - you can enter information into this
field, but after "Save and close" all changes in this field are lost.
On primary system Outlook 2007 with BCM has been installed on top of Outlook
2003 with BCM. Database of BCM 2003 has been converted into database of BCM
2007. "IM address" field is not functional (i.e. not saved).
On secondary PC I tried on clean system - Outlook 2007 installed from
scratch and BCM database created anew from scratch (not imported) - and bug
does not exist
there - IM address has been saved OK.
After that I made backup (to *.sbb) of BCM database from primary system and
restored this database on secondary system. After that IM address field lost
functionality also on secondary system.
So it's probably some kind of issue with updating Office 2007 over Office
2003 components. If database is somehow converted from BCM 2003 to BCM 2007
- "IM address" field cannot be saved.
BCM database tool called "Check for errors" did not find any problems.
I would be glad if someone who converted database from BCM 2003 to BCM 2007
could confirm existence of this bug so it can be formally reported. Thanks.
Outlook, but after some research here
where b.schmidt gave me a tip, I think there's a bug which appears as "IM
address field not saved". That is - you can enter information into this
field, but after "Save and close" all changes in this field are lost.
On primary system Outlook 2007 with BCM has been installed on top of Outlook
2003 with BCM. Database of BCM 2003 has been converted into database of BCM
2007. "IM address" field is not functional (i.e. not saved).
On secondary PC I tried on clean system - Outlook 2007 installed from
scratch and BCM database created anew from scratch (not imported) - and bug
does not exist
there - IM address has been saved OK.
After that I made backup (to *.sbb) of BCM database from primary system and
restored this database on secondary system. After that IM address field lost
functionality also on secondary system.
So it's probably some kind of issue with updating Office 2007 over Office
2003 components. If database is somehow converted from BCM 2003 to BCM 2007
- "IM address" field cannot be saved.
BCM database tool called "Check for errors" did not find any problems.
I would be glad if someone who converted database from BCM 2003 to BCM 2007
could confirm existence of this bug so it can be formally reported. Thanks.