Illegal Operation/Shut Down error...



I apologize in advance if I am posting in the wrong area,
but since I am dealing with an IE error I decided this
might be the best place to start.

I have been dealing with a customer who is attempting to
use our .net Framework based application. Windows 98, IE
6.0/Cipher Strength 128 bit, all windows updates have been
applied. Customer is able to access the site and login
successfully but when he tries to select anything on the
screen he receives the following:

I Explorer
This program has performed and illegal operation & will
shut down.

He can select 'details' and gets:
General protection fault
in module 3DFX16V3.DRV at 0008:00000258.
EAX=0000a858 CS=039f EIP=00000258 EFLGS=00000246
EBX=0064301e SS=3dd7 ESP=0000a782 EBP=0000a79c
ECX=00000004 DS=3dd7 ESI=0000a858 FS=3e07
EDX=00013dd7 ES=0000 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
f3 66 a5 1f 8b d8 8e c2 66 26 8b 47 14 c4 5e 0c
Stack dump:
f45a042f 0001a858 a86a077e 000a4d1b 1df607f4 0000f45a
a7b60000 0397209d a8581388 00003dd7 042f0000 fbdef45a
00000000 0458a7d4 00000407 a8580000
in module 3DFX16V3.DRV at 0008:00000258.

The above is repeated multiple times on the details screen.

If anyone has insight into this issue, a reply would be
greatly appreciated.


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