ILDASM - where is ref'd assembly?


Marty McDonald

My assembly "A" references another of my assemblies "B". I'd like to
determine which version of "B" "A" expects. I'm using ILDASM, but I can't
find any mention of "B" in there. I'm clicking on the "manifest" icon, as
well as using ctrl-M to see the meta info. Any ideas? Thanks!

Mattias Sjögren

My assembly "A" references another of my assemblies "B". I'd like to
determine which version of "B" "A" expects. I'm using ILDASM, but I can't
find any mention of "B" in there. I'm clicking on the "manifest" icon, as
well as using ctrl-M to see the meta info. Any ideas?

You should see if when viewing the manifest, it should show up
something like this

..assembly extern B
.ver 1:2:3:4

If it's not there, it's not referenced. Note that the C# compiler
discards unused references (i.e. you'll only see .assemmbly extern
directives for assemblies that you actually used in your code).


Grant Richins [MS]

There will be blocks that begin with ".assembly extern" that identify
referenced assemblies. Note that the C# compiler 'optimizes' away unneeded
references. So if you never use anything from assembly B, then the compiler
will not emit a reference to B.

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