Hi shani
I am having USB system trouble at the moment but eventually launched my scanner to review how it worked as I have not used it for some time.
I show below the mails between me & IKASU support.
Me to them - I have installed the scanner, apparently successfully, but when I try
> to start the programme I get the message "Acquire Source
> Failed..Restart DSM" Although the Film Scan logo appears in the Task
> Bar, no window will open and the only way I can get rid of it is via
> the 'Task Manager'. I have run the fix problems from the installation
> CD and re-booted the PC to no avail. Please advise error and fix.
Response - Do you have any other software or scanners running at the same time?
Me to them - no other scanners or specific software running at the same time. A HP Officejet printer / scanner is connected at all times but not scanning whilst trying to load the IKASU programme.
Response - DSM stands for Digital Software Management but im not sure why its coming up with your scanner. Have you tried downloading our new software and drivers from our website
Response - It's a rar file like a Zip file. The files you need are encased within the rar. You will need to download WINRAR form the internet which will allow to access this file and extract them.
- You must connect the scanner before launching the 'Film Scan exe'.
- I launch mine from the desktop icon.
- If you are scanning colour negs you must tick it on the filmscan window, there are 3 choices. colour neg, slide, B&W. Have you tried scanning the same neg in all 3 options? Do you get the same problem in B&W?
- Is it the same on different negs?
- Have you downloaded the latest software from www.fascin8.co.uk
- Is there any obstruction or dirt on the lens or neg?
I had to take mine to bits to clean it. To do this you have to remove the 4 rubber feet & you will find the case screws underneath, but make sure of the above before going to these lengths.
I would look at 1-5 above & if you still have a problem contact IKASU support
good luck terry